Our Story

Our Story

Our Motivation

Our Motivation

I’ve always believed that potstickers have been overlooked in the United States.
They’ve become a frozen appetizer and that’s just not good enough. After 30 years in
the United States, I decided to do something about it.
– Angie-

Our Culture

Our Culture

I grew up with potstickers enjoyed as a main course. People would go out to eat just for potstickers! I wanted to bring that culture here. Thus, Potsticker was born. A restaurant where people can enjoy this ancient dish as it was meant to be served. Our potstickers are made with the same timeless recipes that have been passed down for centuries. Each dumpling is pinched shut by hand, one at a time. We then pan-sear them to a golden-brown perfection, creating a crispy exterior and a juicy, flavorful filling.

There's More!

There's More!

To make things even better, we’ve put together a list of craft cocktails and fine wines to enjoy during your visit!